131 research outputs found

    Rules of Causal Judgment: Mapping Statistical Information onto Causal Beliefs (Erratum)

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    Correction of erroneous signs in Equation 2 from: Perales, J.C., Catena, A., Cándido, A., & Maldonado, A. (2017). Rules of Causal Judgment: Mapping Statistical Information onto Causal Beliefs. In: M. Waldmann (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Causal Reasoning. (pp. 29-51). Oxford University Press. [Available at https://goo.gl/R2rQ4b].Universidad de Granada. Grupo de Investigación Aprendizaje, Emoción y Decisión (CTS176

    Types of emotion regulation and their associations with gambling: A cross-sectional study with disordered and non-problem Ecuadorian gamblers.

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    This a non-peer-reviewed, non-published preprint version of the article.This study was aimed at investigating the role of emotional regulation in regular gambling in a sample of 197 gamblers from Ecuador. With that aim in mind, we explored the associations between gambling cognitions (as measured by the GRCS), cognitive/emotional impulsivity (UPPS-P), emotion regulation (ERQ), and alcohol and drug misuse (Multi-CAGE). For analyses, personality (impulsivity) scores were used as inputs to predict dispositional variables (ERQ and GRCS), and behavioral outputs (MultiCAGE), while controlling for gambling severity. Hypotheses were based on previous works, although the analysis has been improved (using hierarchical linear mixed-effects modelling), and homogenized in covariate control, and decision threshold stringency. Results were as follows: (1) After controlling for relevant covariates, UPPS-P sensation seeking was positively associated with gambling cognitions, whereas positive urgency was positively associated with cognitive biases (interpretative bias, control illusion, and predictive control) but not with other gambling cognitions. (2) Among emotion regulation strategies, reappraisal, but not suppression, was associated with gambling cognitions. (3) Negative urgency was distinctively associated with suppression, but not with reappraisal. And (4), no impulsivity dimensions significantly predicted drug alcohol misuse, although negative urgency fell just below the decision threshold. These results reinforce the importance of emotion regulation processes in the cognitive and behavioral manifestations of gambling. Most importantly, they suggest a dissociation between the role of model-free dysregulation of negative emotions (as measured by UPPS-P negative urgency), as a key contributor to gambling complication and general psychopathology; and the one of strategic emotion regulation, in fueling gambling-related cognitive distortions.MFJR is funded by the scholarship program offered by the University of Guayaquil – Ecuador, 2015 ( Consejo de Educación Superior – CES). JCP and JFN are supported by a grant from the Spanish Government ( Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación; Convocatoria 2017 de Proyectos I+D de Excelencia , Spain; co - funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER , European Union), with reference number PSI2017 - 85488 - P . JFN has been awarded with an individual research grant ( Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Programa FPU , reference number FPU13/00669)

    Cocaine dependent individuals and gamblers present different associative learning anomalies in feedback-driven decision making: a behavioral and ERP study

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    The research presented here has been funded by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, MICINN (Spain), for Ana Torres and José C. Perales (ref. # PSI2009-13133), and Andrés Catena and Antonio Maldonado (ref. # PSI2009-12217); by a Junta de Andalucía (Spain) grant (ref. # PB09-SEJ4752) for Antonio Cándido: and by a RETICS (Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud) subprogramme grant (ref. # RD12/0028/0017) from the Ministerio de Sanidad, Políticas Sociales e Igualdad for José C. Perales. We would like to thank Proyecto Hombre’s Málaga and Granada centers, and AGRAJER (Asociación Granadina de Jugadores de Azar en Rehabilitación) for their invaluable and disinterested collaboration.Several recent studies have demonstrated that addicts behave less flexibly than healthy controls in the probabilistic reversal learning task (PRLT), in which participants must gradually learn to choose between a probably rewarded option and an improbably rewarded one, on the basis of corrective feedback, and in which preferences must adjust to abrupt reward contingency changes (reversals). In the present study, pathological gamblers (PG) and cocaine dependent individuals (CDI) showed different learning curves in the PRLT. PG also showed a reduced electroencephalographic response to feedback (Feedback-Related Negativity, FRN) when compared to controls. CDI’s FRN was not significantly different either from PG or from healthy controls. Additionally, according to Standardized Low-Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography analysis, cortical activity in regions of interest (previously selected by virtue of their involvement in FRN generation in controls) strongly differed between CDI and PG. However, the nature of such anomalies varied within-groups across individuals. Cocaine use severity had a strong deleterious impact on the learning asymptote, whereas gambling intensity significantly increased reversal cost. These two effects have remained confounded in most previous studies, which can be hiding important associative learning differences between different populations of addicts.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, MICINN (Spain), for Ana Torres and José C. Perales (ref. # PSI2009-13133), and Andrés Catena and Antonio Maldonado (ref. # PSI2009-12217)Junta de Andalucía (Spain) grant (ref. # PB09-SEJ4752)RETICS (Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud) subprogramme grant (ref. # RD12/0028/0017) from the Ministerio de Sanidad, Políticas Sociales e Igualda

    Emotional and non-emotional pathways to impulsive behavior and addiction

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    The research presented here has been funded by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, MICINN (Spain), for Ana Torres/José C. Perales (ref. # PSI2009-13133), and Andrés Catena/Antonio Maldonado (ref. # PSI2009-12217); by a Junta de Andalucía (Spain) grant (ref. # PB09-SEJ4752) for Antonio Cándido: and by a RETICS (Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud) subprogramme grant (Ref. # RD12/0028/0017) from the Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad (Spain), for José C. Perales/Antonio Verdejo-García.Impulsivity is tightly linked to addiction. However, there are several pathways by means of which impulsive individuals are more prone to become addicts, or to suffer an addiction more intensely and for a longer period. One of those pathways involves an inadequate appraisal or regulation of positive and negative emotions, leading to lack of control over hazardous behaviors, and inappropriate decisions. In the present work, we assessed cocaine-dependent individuals (CDI; n = 20), pathological gamblers (PG; n = 21), and healthy controls (HC; n = 23) in trait impulsivity measures (UPPS-P model's dimensions), and decision-making tasks (Go/No-go; delay-discounting task). During the Go/No-go task, electroencephalographic (EEG) activity was recorded, and Go/No-go stimuli-evoked potentials (ERP) were extracted. Theory-driven ERP analyses focused on the No-go > Go difference in the N2 ERP. Our results show that negative urgency is one of the several psychological features that distinguish addicts from HC. Nevertheless, among the dimensions of trait impulsivity, negative urgency is unique at independently covarying with gambling over-pathologization in the PG sample. Cocaine-dependent individuals performed more poorly than gamblers in the Go/No-go task, and showed abnormal Go/No-go stimuli-evoked potentials. The difference between the No-go stimulus-evoked N2, and the Go one was attenuated by severity and intensity of chronic cocaine use. Emotional dimensions of impulsivity, however, did not influence Go/No-go performance.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, MICINN (Spain), for Ana Torres/José C. Perales (ref. # PSI2009-13133), and Andrés Catena/Antonio Maldonado (ref. # PSI2009-12217)Junta de Andalucía (Spain) grant (ref. # PB09-SEJ4752) for Antonio CándidoRETICS (Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud) subprogramme grant (Ref. # RD12/0028/0017) from the Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad (Spain), for José C. Perales/Antonio Verdejo-García

    Validación de la versión española de la escala de toma de riesgos en dominios específicos (DOSPERT-30)

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    Background: The aim of the present study was to develop and validate a Spanish version of the short Domain-Specific Risk-Taking (DOSPERT-30) scale, measuring risk-taking behavior, risk perception, and expected beneficial consequences (from taking risks) in five life domains: ethics, finance, health/security, recreational, and social decisions. Method: The scale was back-translated, and administered online to 826 participants. Validity evidence was tested using correlations with construct-related instruments (UPPS-P and SSS-V), as well as using factor analysis. Internal consistency reliability was calculated with the ordinal Alpha coefficient, and gender differences were considered. Results: Internal consistency was good, and factor analysis confirmed the five factors proposed by the authors. With respect to the external validity, high correlations with the positive urgency and the sensation seeking subscales of the UPPS-P, as well as with the thrill and adventure seeking and disinhibition subscales of the SSS-V were found. Finally, gender differences were found in all subscales and domains, with men tending to take more risks, perceive less risk and expect more beneficial consequences, except for the social domain where an inverse pattern was found. Conclusions As these findings are in line with the original version, they indicate the scale was successfully adapted.Antecedentes: la escala de toma de riesgos en dominios específicos (DOSPERT-30) evalúa la propensión a comportamientos de riesgo, la percepción del riesgo y los beneficios esperados en 5 dominios (ética, finanzas, salud/seguridad, recreativo y social). El objetivo del presente estudio fue validar una versión española de esta escala. Método: tras realizar la adaptación mediante una traducción inversa se aplicó el cuestionario a 826 participantes. Se exploró la relación con otros instrumentos (UPPS-P y SSS) y la estructura interna para aportar evidencias de validez. Se calculó el coeficiente de fiabilidad ordinal para cada dimensión y diferencias de género fueron consideradas. Resultados: se obtuvieron índices adecuados de ajuste a una estructura pentafactorial. Los coeficientes de fiabilidad para cada dimensión fueron adecuados. Con respecto a las evidencias de validez, se encontró relación con los factores de búsqueda de sensaciones y urgencia positiva (UPPS-P) y con búsqueda de emociones y desinhibición (SSS). Las diferencias de género mostraron que los hombres tomaron más riesgos, percibieron menos riesgo y esperaron más beneficios en todos los dominios, exceptuando el social, donde la relación fue inversa. Conclusiones: la versión española del DOSPERT-30 presenta buenas propiedades psicométricas y puede considerarse un buen instrumento para el estudio del comportamiento de riesgo.Contract grant sponsors Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science (MICINN) PSI2012-39292 (A. Catena) and PSI2013-45055 (J.C. Perales); Spanish General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) SPIP2014-01341 (A. Cándido); Postdoctoral Fellowship from Junta de Andalucía (A. Megías); Predoctoral Fellowship from Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science —PFU— (S. Baltruschat)

    Un Squirrel Search Algorithm discreto aplicado al problema Job Shop con operadores calificados

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    Introduction: The Job Shop problem With Skilled Operators (JSSO) is an extension of the classic Job Shop in which, an operation must be executed by a limited set of workers, aiming to minimize jobs total termination time or Makespan. This situation can represent different applications in daily life. JSSO is a complex problem and its classified as NP-HARD.. Objective: In this article, the JSSO problem is addressed. It is made by adapting an algorithm known as Squirrel Search Algorithm (SSA). Method:  A discrete encoding scheme is proposed for the SSA algorithm and the Smallest Position Value (SPV) method are used. Also, solutions that can violate the precedent relationships are corrected with the Valid Particle Generator (VPG) method, which guarantees feasible solutions. Two versions of the algorithm were tested in 28 instances proposed in the literature to valid their performance. Results: Computer experiments show that the proposed algorithms reach optimal solutions in 25 and 28 analyzed instances. In addition, for the instances where optimality was not achieved, the average gap does not exceed the 2% for both versions of the proposed algorithms. Conclusions: The proposed encoding scheme guarantees the discretization of the algorithms, generating solutions that converge towards the optimum. In addition, the proposed encoding allows natural use of movement operators originally proposed for the algorithms used. Performance obtained by the algorithms is adequate and of high quality.Introducción: El problema Job Shop Con Operadores Calificados o Job Shop With Skilled Operators (JSSO) es una extensión del problema clásico Job Shop en el cual, una operación debe ser ejecutada por un conjunto limitados de trabajadores, con el objetivo de minimizar el tiempo de terminación total de los trabajos o Makespan, situación que puede representar distintas aplicaciones en la vida cotidiana. Es un problema complejo y es catalogado como NP-HARD. Objetivo: En este artículo, se aborda el problema JSSO desde la adaptación de un algoritmo conocido como Squirrel Search Algorithm (SSA). Metodología: Se propone un esquema de codificación discreto para el algoritmo SSA utilizando el método Smallest Position Value (SPV). Además, para evitar soluciones que violen las relaciones de precedencia; se corrigen con el método Valid Particle Generator (VPG), el cual garantiza soluciones factibles. Dos versiones del algoritmo se colocan a prueba en 28 instancias propuesta en la literatura para validar su rendimiento. Resultados: Los experimentos computacionales realizados muestran que los dos algoritmos propuestos alcanzan soluciones óptimas en 25 de las 28 instancias analizadas. Además, para las instancias en donde no se logró soluciones óptimas, el gap promedio no supera el 2% para ambas versiones de los algoritmos propuestos. Conclusiones: El esquema de codificación propuesto garantiza la discretización del algoritmo, generando soluciones que convergen hacia el óptimo. Además, la codificación propuesta, permite utilizar de manera natural los operadores de movimiento propuestos originalmente para el algoritmo utilizado. El rendimiento obtenido por los algoritmos es adecuado y de alta calidad

    Un Squirrel Search Algorithm discreto aplicado al problema Job Shop con operadores calificados

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    Introduction: The Job Shop problem With Skilled Operators (JSSO) is an extension of the classic Job Shop in which, an operation must be executed by a limited set of workers, aiming to minimize jobs total termination time or Makespan. This situation can represent different applications in daily life. JSSO is a complex problem and its classified as NP-HARD.. Objective: In this article, the JSSO problem is addressed. It is made by adapting an algorithm known as Squirrel Search Algorithm (SSA). Method:  A discrete encoding scheme is proposed for the SSA algorithm and the Smallest Position Value (SPV) method are used. Also, solutions that can violate the precedent relationships are corrected with the Valid Particle Generator (VPG) method, which guarantees feasible solutions. Two versions of the algorithm were tested in 28 instances proposed in the literature to valid their performance. Results: Computer experiments show that the proposed algorithms reach optimal solutions in 25 and 28 analyzed instances. In addition, for the instances where optimality was not achieved, the average gap does not exceed the 2% for both versions of the proposed algorithms. Conclusions: The proposed encoding scheme guarantees the discretization of the algorithms, generating solutions that converge towards the optimum. In addition, the proposed encoding allows natural use of movement operators originally proposed for the algorithms used. Performance obtained by the algorithms is adequate and of high quality.Introducción: El problema Job Shop Con Operadores Calificados o Job Shop With Skilled Operators (JSSO) es una extensión del problema clásico Job Shop en el cual, una operación debe ser ejecutada por un conjunto limitados de trabajadores, con el objetivo de minimizar el tiempo de terminación total de los trabajos o Makespan, situación que puede representar distintas aplicaciones en la vida cotidiana. Es un problema complejo y es catalogado como NP-HARD. Objetivo: En este artículo, se aborda el problema JSSO desde la adaptación de un algoritmo conocido como Squirrel Search Algorithm (SSA). Metodología: Se propone un esquema de codificación discreto para el algoritmo SSA utilizando el método Smallest Position Value (SPV). Además, para evitar soluciones que violen las relaciones de precedencia; se corrigen con el método Valid Particle Generator (VPG), el cual garantiza soluciones factibles. Dos versiones del algoritmo se colocan a prueba en 28 instancias propuesta en la literatura para validar su rendimiento. Resultados: Los experimentos computacionales realizados muestran que los dos algoritmos propuestos alcanzan soluciones óptimas en 25 de las 28 instancias analizadas. Además, para las instancias en donde no se logró soluciones óptimas, el gap promedio no supera el 2% para ambas versiones de los algoritmos propuestos. Conclusiones: El esquema de codificación propuesto garantiza la discretización del algoritmo, generando soluciones que convergen hacia el óptimo. Además, la codificación propuesta, permite utilizar de manera natural los operadores de movimiento propuestos originalmente para el algoritmo utilizado. El rendimiento obtenido por los algoritmos es adecuado y de alta calidad

    Motivación del logro y resolución de problemas con funciones lineales en una universidad de Surco

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    The objective of this research study was to determine the relationship between the motivation of achievement and the resolution of problems with linear functions of the students of Foundations of Calculus for the afternoon course of the Faculty of Business at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, 2017. This study was developed within a quantitative approach, with a hypothetical deductive method and non-experimental design. The sample consisted of 76 students of Foundations of Calculus from the Faculty of Business of the aforementioned university. The results show that there is no direct and significant relationship between the motivation of achievement and the resolution of problems with linear functions of the students surveyed. This further showed that the competency to solve problems does not depend on motivation, but rather requires knowledge and skills that are put into practice.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la motivación del logro y la resolución de problemas con funciones lineales de los estudiantes de Fundamentos para el Cálculo del turno tarde de la Facultad de Negocios en la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, 2017. Este estudio se desarrolló dentro de un enfoque cuantitativo, con un método hipotético deductivo y diseño no experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 76 estudiantes de Fundamentos para el Cálculo de la Facultad de Negocios de la universidad mencionada. Los resultados permitieron determinar que no existe relación directa y significativa entre la motivación del logro y la resolución de problemas con funciones lineales de los estudiantes encuestados. Esto demostró que la competencia de resolver problemas no depende de la motivación, sino más bien se requiere de conocimiento y habilidades que se manejen

    Evaluation of the Expression of Genes Associated with Inflammation and Apoptosis in Androgenetic Alopecia by Targeted RNA-Seq

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    Abstract Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) or male pattern baldness is the most common form of hair loss in humans. Despite being a very frequent dermatological entity, molecular pathophysiology remains unclear. Several authors relate the presentation of AGA with a premature apoptotic process during the anagen phase and with an inflammatory microenvironment in the hair follicle. We evaluated a panel of 30 genes associated with inflammation and apoptosis in 5 AGA patients by targeted RNA-Seq. WNT7A gene was highly expressed in patients in stages 3V to 5 on the Hamilton-Norwood scale compared to patients with 5A stage. CASP7 and TNF genes were overexpressed in stages 3V and 4 compared to stages 5 and 5A. Overexpression of these genes detected only at early stages of AGA proves the role of WNT pathway, apoptosis, and inflammation in the development of this disorder